Rolling with the punches
2015 could be defined as a slugfest, a never ending bout of professional brawls that left me utterly drained which culminated in a loss of drive for my more creative side, I was always a scribbler and this year my creativity took a back seat in lieu of working my ass off.
It paid off but getting back on the bike and flexing my artistic muscles is unfortunately proving difficult.
So, I purchased a Hobonichi journal as a way of coercing my hands to jot down a daily scribble- it feels like its basically a necessity at this point.
For the uninitiated amongst you, Hobonichi make a (very) famous journal called the Techo, its designed with creativity in mind with its premium Tomoe River paper and very open ended design ethos- just scribble and the rest will work itself out. It has proved hugely successful in Japan amongst all kinds of people from all walks of life and I can’t wait to give it a shot.
If you’re curious as to what shape a Hobonichi Techo takes, check out the hobonichilove.tumblr and its eclectic mix of random scrap-booking and journalling all rolled into a colourful mess.
My issue with journals has always been mixing professional/work related tasks with my desire to scribble nonsense, this year I opted to go with the Hobonichi as a creative outlet & a large Moleskine planner for actual work scheduling. The Moleskine has notoriously temperamental paper which should help me refrain from covering it in fountain pen puddles whilst the Hobonichi can serve as an unstructured platform which is something I think I really need.
I am writing this (publicly) so that I can’t back out.
I am doing this.
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