Over the past two weeks I have (slowly) been getting my file structure and document organization in a semblance of order. Since moving back to the UK, I have been stuck in this quagmire of drudging through approximately 5 years of accumulated data. I have a total of 4 “SORT” folders full of old desktop, document, and misc files from the past 4 rigs I have owned.
Planning to move has encouraged me to procrastinate with regards to getting started, and over the years, the pile of crap has become more and more daunting. Starting is the hardest part and this has been on my to do list for literally years.
In an effort to combat this, I scrapped my prior structural systems and opted to start from scratch. 4TB external HD from Hitachi and a new platform for my scribbles (back to Evernote from Onenote, with myBase used for reference materials). So far it’s working out pretty well, and once this is completely done, I will buy a new rig with no need to transfer files – everything will be nicely organized and my broken brain will be able to give out a sigh of relief.
In case any of you are curious, I switched back to Evernote from Onenote due to Onenote destroying an entire section of data (corruption). Nothing I could do would bring it back to life, but thankfully, I have backups. That being said, this experience soured me on the Onenote platform. Transferring data is also annoying, as copy & paste does not paste text, but rather an image of text. I know I could import entire folders using Evernote, but I am am too picky and prefer to do things manually.
I imagine I will do a proper update once everything is sorted with regards to how I organize all my data. For a digital hoarder like myself, it’s not a clean cut solution, so I think it will prove interesting.
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